Saturday, September 29, 2018
Are Spirits Real or Imaginary? Old Argument Rears Up Once More
Recently in an online discussion group, an individual professed to the group that gods and spirits do not exist thus why he could not work the old grimoires as stated in their instructions. Now this is his belief and you may wonder why ol’ Moloch here got his dander up over this, right? Well these online groups have a tendency to attract a LOT of folks who are new to occultism, sorcery & magic as well as many who are fence sitters where such things are often argued and hashed out. I’d like to take a moment and give some rational explanations as to why I feel anyone who makes a full fledged statement to the negative on this subject is not an occultist but rather someone dressing up and just pretending to be one.
Leprechauns Don’t Exist!
The chap’s argument stemmed around his “fact” that Leprechauns do not actually exist. Really? According to whom? By what authority? Oh I’m not talking about the little thieving miscreants we know and love from Irish folklore who wear green attire, hoard gold and hide their stash at the end of rainbows. Of course those are just caricatures of our imaginations of what the Leprechauns looked like. However in every myth, every bit of folklore there are kernels of truth IF you’re not to bloody lazy to get off your fat duffs and dig for these kernels.
Rather I’m talking about ancient Irish warrior spirits whose job it was to guard clan & community treasuries. These spirits are ancestral spirits of the dead. Some may even refer to Them as the Mighty Dead as a number of them were magical practitioners when alive. They leaned on canes as they grew in age which came to be known as their shillelagh. Also the reason the shamrock was sacred to Them was due to it was used in Their magic when alive. However there is a lot of misconceptions about these spirits due to the wild tales told by drunks and folks who passed on the tales of these spirits to the point Their exploits became near godlike.
The issue modern practitioners have about spirits is plenty but the main one is they buy into this modern fable of scientism and it’s bastard child Psychology which tells us spirits are nothing more than “archetypes”, “psychosis”, “complexes”, “beliefs” all part of our “collective unconscious”. These psycho-babble terms are 60+ y/o terms Psycho-quacks came up with in an attempt to explain the unexplainable because as we all know when Psychologists cannot figure out something, they invent a label for it then pin it on you. These labels are a kinder way of trying to inform you that such experiences are only in your head aka ‘figments of your own imagination’. In other words, you’re bloomin’ nuts, amigo.
So what does modern psychology do? Refer you to a psychiatrist, the even wackier version of a psychologist who has a MD degree and can dispense mind altering drugs such as Paxil, Prozac, Effexor or Zoloft to manage your obvious bi-polar disorder. Why? Well rational people DON’T talk to spirits, mate! Well what about Jesus, Yahweh, Allah, Buddha and so forth? Typically those spirits don’t talk back and give useful answers to Joe & Mary Sixpack. This is what modern science thinks about your spiritual beliefs and personal experiences with these denizens. So is it any wonder a goodly number of you are only interested in just “Ritual Drama” a.k.a. Live Action Role Playing for occultists for your so-called magicK? You’re too afraid to give real spirit contact a try because you fear you may be successful then you’ll have not only zero excuses you’ll also have spirits talking back to you and that terrifies you. Admit it.
Spirits DO Exist & Here’s Why...
What you and your non-believing brethren fail to understand is that the universe is a whole helluva lot bigger than the sum of your head. Yes you have a universe inside your noggin, certainly but that’s just micro-cosmic and it’s all about help YOU, Slim, not about fixing aunt Jenine's broken leg or cousin Buck’s impending prison sentence which you know is fixed by bloody criminal in the so-called justice system. Yet you believe you can waltz around inside your noggin either working pathways like ceremonial magicKians are wont to do or meditate it away like new agers typically try and do. However as many of you know who have tried these methods (like I have way back when) they don’t do jack squat for anyone else.
What I find humorous is that scientists tell us that our own galaxy is a vast 100,000 by 150,000 light years big which means to traverse our galaxy alone, we’d have to travel at the speed of light in a year’s time for 100,000 years to make it across one way alone. Then add another 50,000 years of travel to that time to make it across the other way. Hello, McFly anyone home? That is vast and we just live in a small part of our galaxy out near the edge of it. Then we’re told our (macro) universe is even more immense because its age is reputed to be well over 14,000,000,000 years old and though recently another group of scientists came out saying they believe the universe always was and it has no beginning and far to its size they believe its never ending.
Mind boggling? Definitely. Yet you think we are all that’s out there? Our bits of carbon. Such hubris and arrogance. Every time a so-called educated individual comes out with such a proclamation, it’s not long that later we discover to find how wrong they were. Look at all of the learned men over the ages who made idiotic proclamations in the name of education and science that we later learned was flat out WRONG such as the earth was flat, the sun circled the earth, different weights fall at different speeds and other dubious claims that have been proven wrpmg with careful experimentation. Remember they also believed believed steel was too heavy to float on water to ever be useful to build a ship from unitl it was done in the Civil War. Then later it was a scientist who stated that driving faster than 35 mph would be impossible because we’d not be able to breathe. Or what about the dubious idiots of science who emphatically stated we could not ever fly because we are too heavy and don’t have wings. Or (my favorite) the geniuses who argued tooth and nail that it was impossible to send a man out into space. Not only did we do that but we also sent numerous missions to the moon and brought them back to tell their exploits.
My point is that learned people with doctorates make idiotic claims all the fucking time. Just because you have a Ph.D does not mean you’re wiser than anyone else it means you are typically smarter in a select area of study for which you received recognition by your peers. That’s it. Even with that, look at how many people get degrees and are literal incompetents and morons in their own fields of study! Degrees are the results of test taking and some of these folks are just good at taking tests. It does not mean they’re better at doing their taxes, putting together Ikea furniture or rebuilding a Mitsubishi fuel injection system, all right?
No I’m not against education. Not in the least. Rather I’m leery of everyone who claims they’ve got a degree, even physicians. Why? Because there’s a LOT of quacks out there practicing medicine who should NOT be practicing! We used to laugh at Frank Burns on MASH yet that sort of physician exists and if you know of one, you should stay away and steer all of your loved ones away from such a quack. Today psychologists don’t refer to themselves as “Psychologist” but rather “Therapist” which is a generic term that is often not as scary for the old head shrink. So before you open up about your spirit experiences to others, beware just WHO you’re going to blab your experiences to, amigo.
Spirit Do You Hear Me?
One of the reasons I and many others get results in sorcery and primarily spirit work is that we use a formula that is both time tested and it works. First off we don’t buy into this bullshit that spirits only exist in our minds. Because when you take that approach, you have a tendency to be an asshole, a dictator, a my way or the highway sort of jerk. This is the premise the grimoires were written upon though I highly doubt the author’s knew squat about psychology rather they were trying to bully the spirit into submission through screaming holy names of Yahweh at it all because those dimwits mistakenly believed Yahweh created the universe. Why would they believe that if it weren’t ture? LoL Well chalk that up to a well done marketing strategy by Jews and those who were so enamored of the Hebrew Qabala. They didn’t realize the trappings of the Hebrew QBL such as the names, the Tree of Life glyph, the manuals like Zohar, the mythology such as Solomon’s temple being built by demons or Solomon and his entourage flying through the air on his magic carpet, and other mythological rigmarole just enthralls them. I know because it caught me up in its illusion as well for a decade.
We’ve already seen that the universe is vast. We also have no clue what all is out there either since all our astronomers can see is just a tiny portion of the universe. The key is when you make sincere effort and call to a spirit, something will respond to the name you used to summon It with. Did you get that? If not re-read that last sentence once again. It does not matter if It is THE real YHVH, Zeus, Obatala, Thor, Quetzalcoatl, Wolf or whomever, it’s that SOMETHING out there WILL respond when you are sincere, use courtesy and respect in calling. Now the big issue with academics who don’t believe like the self-proclaimed Luciferian genius from the on-line group kvetching about gods, spirits and Leprechauns, is that guys like him are too flaky and chicken to really give this a chance. Why? Because he’s an egotistical prick.
Think about it. Most academics are egotistical and this is one reason why so many incorrect assumptions and proclamations are publicly put forth then later retracted. Categorically speaking a wise academic withholds judgment until the evidence shows up however what I run into are the ones who refuse to even TRY summoning a spirit. In fact, if they try to summon a spirit typically it goes something like this: the academic stands in the well made circle, reads the general invocation for the spirit to appear and if the academic cannot see anything in a few moments, s/he deems the operation a useless waste of time and the whole thing is utter rubbish. They then go about claiming the medieval magicians ingested some form of hallucinogen whereby they spoke to a figment of their own imagination. That’s the extent of their “scientific experimentation” and they move on back to their harping that Crowley was right spirits are just aspects of one’s mind while continuing to wear their skeptic’s hat.
Tell Me About You
So when someone tries to force you to do something, especially with a negative bent to their voice or malicious attitude, how cooperative are you towards them? Be realistic here. Not talking about judges mind you since when we’re all in front of those guys it’s the only situation where I think any of us have to listen to their BS and put up with it OR else. But say anyone else? If someone were to call you out of the blue and insist, nay demand you come to an address you’ve never been to before, without reason or motive, just how willing would you be to jump to their orders and get right on it? Be honest here. So if not you then WHY should any spirit? Who the fuck are you to Them? You’re not Their master regardless of what the grimoires claim - that’s all hyperbole for your confidence. You can’t threaten the spirit or let’s say carry out any threat to It.
More Flies With Honey...
I got this idea after a failed summoning operation and I was in dire need. So I began to study the African traditions. Not to rob them of their beliefs or culturally pilfer anything from them mind you but actually LEARN something useful and I did. One thing I did learn from reading books about them, interviewing practitioners both online and in person was that they never tried to force their spirits to do anything. Instead they ‘asked’ more often humbly I might add, and offered courtesy and respect to their spirits. That alone was worth more than gold. So I figured if it worked for their spirits why wouldn’t it work for grimoire spirits, my ancestors and even so-called angels/demons I had tried to work with?
One of the other things I learned from the African religions was they tended to use offerings a lot. Of course I had heard many of them sacrificed chickens, goats, lambs, bulls & so on but as I talked to actual practitioners I discovered that this was not an everyday thing but often for either community ceremonies OR for severe even dire circumstances where a person’s health may be in jeopardy. For their usual work though most of them tended to use liquor - a LOT! Originally I thought the lot of them just a bunch of alcoholics until I found out none of them drank the booze they offered their spirits except to sip it out of respect to show the spirits it wasn’t poisoned. Then a Santera suggested I choose a single spirit to work with, even a pagan deity or hero would be fine, research the spirit, find out where in the world it was from and try to give the spirit as many of Its culture’s foods and cuisines as I could or as close approximations as possible. Fruits, vegetables, nuts, grains, coinage & money, wines & liquors, photos and pictures of the land It was hailed from and even artistic drawings of the spirit Itself. All of these could be given, over time, one at a time, which should please the spirit and help It bond more closely.
The World Opens Up
I began to shed my original hypothesis that spirits were just in my head and started to meditate, pray to and open my mind to the spirit’s influence. Then things began to really take off! It didn’t matter to me whether or not the spirit actually existed at one time but that I managed to tap into Its current to the point I attracted Its attention enough It began to work with me. Once I had that spirit I asked It for help with things like divination then It sent me another spirit who taught me how to interpret the Tarot better.
So to end this long diatribe on spirits, the fact is the universe is vast and there are things out there we do not understand nor even know about. Some we may never know about. However does it matter that to experiment all it takes it to toss aside your intellectual side of your mind for a bit and allow your primitive aspects of your brain to reach out to make contact with something that may be primal, ancient, hidden and approachable? Some are beginning to do this today. You just need to drop the Psychological garbage and allow your fears to step in once again. Let the bogeyman become real once more. Well if He’s real, then so are Those who can kick His ass so you just need to set yourself up with Them. But if you persist and cling to a purely intellectual focus with spirits and sorcery then all you are doing is a form of role playing at best. It’s not real magic in the sense you can’t get jack squat done for anyone else other than fix something inside your own head. That’s the extent of it. So LARP all you want kiddies but you’re just pretending regardless of what you say.
Tuesday, May 1, 2018
How To Gain Real Occult Power: A Slow & Certain Method That Works
Do you ascribe to power? Occult power that will help you break through barriers that impede your regular daily progress and stop you from gaining what it is you desire most in life? If you do I have a plan for you and it works. I know because I’ve lived it... and am still living it!
Life or Reality = Destiny or Fate, Chance or Luck, Free Will
There are a lot of folks out there who have all sorts of ideas about what constitutes reality but the best I’ve come up with is the above phrase which is Reality is comprised of equal parts of Fate (or Destiny), Chance (or Luck) and Free Will. How this works is you may be destined for something but luck gives you so many random choices from which to choose from and ultimately it is your free will that makes the final choice. So to put this into practice let’s say when you incarnated into this life, you are destined to marry. Luck or chances sends X number of potential suitors for you to choose from and ultimately you will choose one of them to be your mate.
That is how life works. It’s very simple actually and so long as you always bear this in mind you will not fall into a trap of believing your life is crap because of the gods, fate or some outside force nor should you blame bad luck or just yourself. Sometimes it’s a combination of many things that cause bad luck. However when you understand how this process works, you feel much better about yourself and what all you can get and enjoy.
Plus Or Minus Factor
The key to happiness in life is learning to understand that we cannot always have things the way we want them to be and to accept them when they're close but somewhat off from our ideal desire. That is the toughest nut to crack and by nut make that our own minds because your own mind can be the most stubborn and obstinate creation on the planet. It will often cause you much misery, sorrow and pain all because you allow yourself to be fooled into thinking things have to be a certain way (or you have to be with a certain someone) or else you cannot be happy.
Ever heard the phrase, “Plus or minus X” where X is a given slush factor often used in science, business, agriculture, and so on? If not you’ve been living in a cave or not reading all that much because it is a very common phrase and it means you’re expecting a given result plus or minus a few degrees, dollars, inches, and etc. It’s a slush factor to allow for variables that sometimes cannot be controlled by you or even the universe itself.
It’s like shooting an arrow at a bulls eye on a target but just slightly missing the mark by a few millimeters. You may say, “Well tough luck chum, you didn’t hit the mark!” Really? In an archery competition perhaps but if that was a charging lion’s eye you were aiming at, you would’ve taken him down. Do you see what I mean? Because much in life depends on perspective and context as well.
“But I Want X not Y!”
My late grandma's famous reply to the above was, "Yeah? Well people in Hell want ice water but can't have it so they learn to deal with it!" May sound harsh but she had a valid point worth exploring. Why? Because the above phrase is the famous last words of the truly miserable. Got that? MISERABLE! So let me ask: are you miserable? If so then you need to wake up and realize the universe owes you NOTHING regardless of how hard your life is. My late grandpa told me that regardless of how tough you think it is, things can always get worse so count your blessings. He said he met Jews who spent time in concentration camps during WW2 who clung to that slim belief they were going to make it through the horror they were subjected to. Why? Because it was all they had. Odd how people back then had such firm conviction yet today rare are the ones who have any faith to recognize the bountiful blessings they have already been given or the fact that things could always be worse.
It’s like that time when you were a kid and wanted that hot new toy for Yule that cost a small fortune so your parents improvised and got you something similar and you felt let down because you wanted the original instead of the knock-off toy. I think all of us have felt that sort of disappointment at one time or another growing up - well those of us whose parents weren’t well off financially. Now that we’re adults, for some strange reason, we've held fast to that same belief that we need X not Y in our life. Tell me why is it you think you need a Porsche when a Datsun or Dodge can get you to the same places as the Porsche will - just less expensive on your budget?
What Do We Ultimately Desire?
So ask yourself is it really a new Porsche, Ferrari or Lamborghini that you want or is it the idea of “an exotic sports that goes fast and everyone notices it”? In all of that isn’t it the desire to be noticed by everyone really what you’re after in the end? Isn’t that the emotion you’re trying to fulfill? Because as a retired sales rep, let me tell you that is exactly what the Porsche dealer is going to sell you: the emotion of owning a Porsche. Now ask yourself would say a custom built car that’s hot rodded and pretty to look at fulfill that emotional need to stand out in the crowd? One that's both fast and has an awesome paint job? I;'ve know a lot of guys who enjoyed a car like that and had the time to enjoy it rather than the guy who works 60+ hours a week paying for the exotic imported sports car that he's up to his neck in hock for!
Emotional fulfillment is what we are constantly seeking. Remember that. You are never after Debbie Darling the big titted blonde at the corner diner who was your high school cheerleader captain and prom queen, rather you want what Debbie offers: emotional fulfillment. Now is Debbie Darling the only woman who can ever give you that emotional fulfillment? Of course not. If you believe otherwise, then you need professional therapy because you’re only fooling yourself into being yet more MISERABLE since you know you can never have her, okay? So what you need to do is sit down and analyze what it is about Debbie Darling that really turns you on. Is it just her appearance? Is it her bubbly personality? Her smile? The way she speaks? How she dresses? What exactly? You need to hone in on this, Homer, if you want to be happy because I’m about to show you how to get your own Debbie Darling.
Debbie Does It All For Me
Let’s say you’ve taken time to analyze why you have the hots for Debbie. For our example let’s pretend you have this thing about Debbie because you adore her eyes, smile, legs and buttocks and while it's not a high priority on your list, her chest is nice as well. Now you need to remind yourself of the Plus or Minus slush factor and remember that even if you asked Debbie out and she politely rebuffed your offer, all is not lost. You can find another Debbie clone. They exist out there. You may have added you want her to be a virgin because you’re raised in some some family or culture that values virginity well again this is where the old Plus or Minus is going to matter. You cannot add what may no longer there. Either be happy with what you are given or take the path of misery it is ultimately your choice.
The occult can help you to find a similar Debbie when you employ it and use patience. How? In effect you are influence Chance or Luck to increase the number of potential Debbie clones as possible. Of course your desire will include that one of these clones fall for you so you get what it is you truly desire the love of a beautiful woman - well a woman you find beautiful. Because that is what matters to you isn't it?
No! I need the real Debbie Darling! No you do not! Listen to yourself. That’s obsessive talk and something that stalkers tell themselves! Look, there are 7 BILLION people on this planet with 60% of them women which makes for a large number of them in your age range from all walks of life and so on. If you want happiness, you’ll look for your own Debbie and not obsess over Debbie Darling and allow her to have her own destiny without your interference. If you really love Debbie Darling, then let her go and you go find her twin - she’s out there. However, if you prefer to be MISERABLE then certainly pursue Debbie Darling like the moron you are because you know you have a snowball's chance in Hell.
Improve Yourself
Before I give you my formula for occult power, you need to think about how you are going to improve yourself. Lose weight? Change eating habits? Exercise? Better sleep? Improve your vocabulary? Read more often? Read better material? Be nicer to others? Walk more often? What exactly do you plan on doing? You should choose something to help improve yourself. Something. Even if you already believe what you’re doing now is everything right, you can still find something to improve upon. We all can.
Improving ourselves is well worthwhile in many ways because by doing so it helps to increase our own self-esteem which others will pick up on. Others like it when you shine and are happiest. They don’t like to be around you when you’re down, out and feeling sorry for yourself.
Moloch's Daily Regimen
Here you go, this is my daily occult regimen which I use to tune myself (so to speak) and I will break it all down so you understand what I do, how I do it and why. It may seem elementary and simple yet it is not so easy to grasp and adhere to. It takes discipline and once you begin this regimen, over a three week period, you will begin to see a marked difference in your life.
1. Power Charging Ritual - whatever you like to use. I use the Middle Pillar or actually a modified version where the names are altered and pronounced differently than mainstream. I have tried other charging methods in the past. Most of these methods work and I have a couple of favorites I like. I sometimes alternate them by doing the Middle Pillar when I wake up and before retiring to bed and doing a different charging technique during the day or prior to ritual. Just to make things interesting.
2. Confession - even though I'm not confessing to YHVH since I do not believe He is the ruler of the universe, I confess to the Ancestors. I get off my chest all that is bothering me from the day and anything that has gotten me upset. This includes obsessing thoughts, anger issues, fears, anything that may be a phobia or niggling doubt, worries and so forth. You need to move these into the open so the ancestors can help you deal with them. Further confession is not only therapeutic, it also seems to have an effect on my magical practices so it should yours as well. This means you should see a marked improvement in the results of your rituals, spells and procedures.
3. Greet My Guardian Angel - right out of Jean Kent's Book of Prayer. This is to give respect and courtesy to the spirit who watches over me by day and night to ensure I do not fall prey to my own devices. I do not know my Guardian angel’s name because I have not gone through the Abramelin rite however I still thank Him for His service and protective eye. Courtesy and respect go a long way with this spirit.
4. Greet My Nativity Angel - here I summon my Nativity Angel asking It to gather up Its force and power to aid me in my day and to alert me to any opportunities I may miss as well as help me make better decisions. Now to do this you will need to find out who your Nativity angel is and that means either you must perform a Nativity divination with medieval astrological methods which will help you discern the name of your angel OR you can hire someone to do this for you. The directions are in Agrippa’s Three Books of Occult Philosophy. Once you have it though, you have a terrific source of power at your disposal!
5. Prayer for the Day & Mystical Day of the Week - right out of Jean Kent's book. If you do not have Jean’s books, you’ll have to obtain them and he offers them on for sale. These prayers are meant to help you tune yourself to the day and they're not simple as some of them require reciting the Qabalistic Cross in the middle of saying the daily prayer. What I end up doing is asking the spirits who rule the day to help me in some manner that is in accord with Their nature. This may sound complicated but it is not all that difficult. I also at the end of each of these prayers throw out my main prayer request so if I want a Debbie clone, then here is where I will also put that out. I won’t use photos but I may use detailed physical descriptions and explain what I want in her personality so the spirits will know what it is I want specifically.
6. Prayer to the Ancestors - usually a simple prayer to acknowledge the ancestors and any particular ancestor I may be working with at the time on some project. If I have any prayer requests for myself, clients, my loved ones and etc, here is where I will put them in. This is my main focus of the day and everything else leads up to this. If I want something special say my own Debbie Darling clone, here is where I will ask the ancestors and describe to Them what she is to look like, age range, ethnicity, distance from me, and so on.
Now to make this work I will repeat this request daily until my request is fulfilled. Repetition gets fulfilled or “the squeaky wheel gets the grease” as the old saw goes and it is true in the spirit world - ask any experienced Houngan, Palero or Santero if this is not the case. The rabbi Jesus the Christ said, “Ask, and it shall be given unto you;” Matthew 7:7 and this is a spiritual truism that can be found worldwide in many cultures. The problem is most people never ask and those that ask, only ask once and give up.
Power is never gained by merely trying and giving up. You must wrest it by force and will. To do this you have to decide what it is you want then go after it until it is yours. Do you understand? Ask! Insist! Demand! There is nothing wrong with this. If you’re following a path and a plan, what is wrong with insisting you get what you desire? Demand it. You deserve it, do you not? Just remember you may not get exactly what you want so don’t be a child at Yule crying about it. Missing the mark by a fraction is not that bad. Second place is far better than third or 20th you know?
And about your Plus or Minus Debbie clone, let me ask you, if you found a woman who fit your Debbie ideal but she was a brunette or redhead, even though she liked you, would that be a deal breaker for you? For many guys it certainly would be! They’re ignorant fools who enjoy being miserable but you? Does that bother you? It shouldn’t. It wouldn’t me if such were my goal. Or someone offered me a suped up, customized Datsun that garners attention for a lot less than a new Porsche, I certainly would take the Datsun instead of mortgaging my life for an exotic imported super car I tell you that much!
Trust me this method works. You need to use it faithfully each day at the same time or thereabouts and be sincere with your prayer to the spirits. Do not be haughty, arrogant or stubborn. The best approach is with an open heart while in a state of grace. Never approach the spirits while in a state of anger as they will amplify what bothering you.
I hope this helps some of you to enjoy a much better and healthier life. Realize if your life is pure crap do not expect miracles overnight and stick with the plan until you see results. Be firm. Be insistent. Be steadfast. Demand what you want but always be respectful and courteous. Go in light and enjoy your life.
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